Birds In Our “Backyard”

CURRENT TOTAL as of 9/20/23

128 unique species observed exclusively in our “backyard!”

Below you will find the species of birds that I have filmed or recorded at our farm in Fayette County (south-central) Illinois. To be very frank, I didn’t set out to count species. That was something those “birders” did. I was just happy to be able to travel about our property after several years when pain held me back. After two complete shoulder replacement surgeries and the required rehab, I took my first jaunt around the property which I chronicled HERE.

As my list of birds grew, I felt compelled to keep a record. That turned into a passion to learn about all the species that visit our fifty acres. Our land is comprised of pastures, hedgerows, stands of mature trees, sections of young growth, volunteer trees and shrubs and a large pond. That diversity lends itself to supporting many types of birds as well as other species like white-tail deer, cottontail rabbits, red foxes, raccoons and opossums.

What I have discovered is that there are far more birds in residence or passing through than I would have ever assumed possible. Amazing to me is that I only started keeping this list since July 6, 2020 and when I posted it for the first time on October 18, 2020 I had recorded a total of 65 species.

While the farm land has slowly grown more wild, we have augmented our environment with nest boxes which Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows and House Wrens have used to rear their chicks over the summer.

Observing and filming these birds negotiate the complex, demanding, spectacular and sometimes heartbreaking relationship of parenthood is both a privileged and a joy.

I never know what amazing moment in time I may observe during one of my outings. I enjoy sharing these special images in posts on this blog.

Most of the birds listed below can also be found on one or (many) more blog pages on this site. If you enjoy the photos here, you may want to explore deeper via CATEGORIES (Images/Wild Birds) or the Archives.

One final detail – I consider myself an early, amateur photographer at best. Sometimes I get lucky. Mostly, I struggle pulling one good, in-focus, decently composed shot out of several hundred images. I am a work in progress. The fuzzy images may be a result of my distance from the subject, the movement of the subject or my inability to hold the camera still! Often, the lighting is just not there for my lack of experience in the realm of photography. Hobbies are not meant to be conquered in a day. When I am fortunate enough to capture a better image of a species, I try to replace the poorer quality photo.


Tree Swallow

These lovely birds with the iridescent blue backs and pristine white bellies nest in cavities. A nest box provided by a human is just as good, if not better than the natural option – which might be a hole excavated, but no longer used by woodpeckers.

Photo: Parental duty – one arrives with new food for the chicks while the other parent takes off to hunt down the next meal. 4/21/22

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallows make a mud nest which they attach to structures, like (yeah, you guessed it) barns. They also make their nests under the eaves of houses, or any other building that provides some relief from the elements. We have dozens of these little gems flying over the meadows and above the pond as they snatch insects. They often accompany me as I drive around in the golf cart. I believe the vehicle scares up the bugs making it easy pickins’ for the swallows.

Photo: A parent Barn swallow feeding its recently fledged chick on the wing. 6-22-22

Purple Martin

Purple Martins are part of the Swallow family. East of the Mississippi these birds tend to use man-made houses as their singular method of nesting. We put up our first Purple Martin house in 2019 and immediately saw occupancy. In 2020 we added a Gourd Tower and have seen chicks fledged from both the standard-build house and the gourds. In 2022 we added additional housing to accommodate the growing colony. Their happy sounding chortle can be heard all day long.

Photo: 7-18-2022

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Beginning in Autumn 2020 I began observing a swallow species that wasn’t any of the three that I frequently saw (Barn, Tree and Purple Martin.) In April 2021, I was fortunate to encounter a small group of these birds perched in a tree at the pond’s edge and snapped a few pictures. With the help of some Birder experts, the final ID was made.

Photo: This image was captured April 16, 2021.


American Robin

Who doesn’t know a Robin? They migrate to warming climates in the winter, and are considered the first sign of spring when they return. I’ve noticed that they may try to dominate a location where Bluebirds also feed. That includes taking a position atop a Bluebird’s nest box. The Bluebird almost always chases it off.

I shot this photo in July 2021.

Eastern Bluebird

I would like to recognize the Eastern Bluebird for my current infatuation with the birds around our property and for restoring my general happiness and well-being. After years of existing in a tiny house that contained the “stuff” for three businesses, we built a new house which I designed mostly around the placement of my office. We put up nest boxes the first spring – which I could see from my desk – and a few days later our first Bluebird couple flitted between the options and finally chose one. All the struggles of the past washed away as I watched them carry long pieces of grass into that hole and position them, just so. Since then, we have not slowed down our dedication to surrounding ourselves with the inspiration and beauty that wild birds bring to one’s soul.

Photo: 4/26/23

Hermit Thrush

The Hermit Thrush breeds in Canada. I filmed this bird during the fall migration as it was heading to warmer surroundings. I was positioned near a tree that I had adorned with fresh apples to lure the fruit eating birds. The sun was being obscured by clouds. Just as they moved off and the sun illuminated a branch directly in front of me, this bird flew into view. It gave me four short seconds to get a good shot, then flew away, never to be seen again! It felt like an “angels singing” moment.

Photo: 10/10/2020

Wood Thrush

By using a bird ID app, I can identify the the bird songs in the woodsy-er parts our of property, where they are harder to spot. That’s how I came to know we have a Wood Thrush hiding in the underbrush.

Audio: 5/22/21

Swainson’s Thrush

When I heard a repeating short bird call coming from a stand of weeds, I turned on my camera’s video function to capture it. The Merlin app determined it was a Swainson’s Thrush that was migrating through! I’ve attached the audio file below.

Audio: 9/27/22


Brown Thrasher

I first saw this bird in the summer of 2020. The remainder of the observations that year were mostly through vocalizations, and not actual sightings. Since that time, I have become increasingly more familiar with their vocalizations (which I still confuse with the Gray Catbird at times) and can catch a decent photo now and again.


Northern Mockingbird

I have observed Mockingbirds in nearly every corner of our property. They are one of my favorites.

The bird shown here is a youngster. I was very happy to see it in August 2022. It was only one of a few Mockingbirds I saw that year and I was a bit worried the species had not survived well during the Polar event early in the year.

Photo: 8/21/22

Gray Catbird

I’ve read that learning to distinguish the vocalizations of this species is a milestone for amateur birders. I’m getting better. My best way to describe their calls would be “tropical” in nature. Years ago, before I began observing the birds on our property, I recall sending Robert into the woods more than once to rescue a lost kitten. He would come back to say he thought it was a bird. I would argue that couldn’t be! Sorry Robert. Along with the tropical vocalizations, this bird is aptly named and can mimic a cat’s call with perfection.

Photo: 6/17/23


American Goldfinch

This lovely, little bird is a year round resident in our area. It is a frequent visitor to bird feeders, especially those that offer thistle seed. I have taken many good quality photos of them eating from feeders on the back patio. But, I am more happy to share a photo of this pretty bird in its natural habitat.

Photo: February 15, 2022.

House Finch

House Finches are sweet birds that I often seen together in pairs, even after the breeding season has passed. I have observed them eating apples in an old tree near the barn. This species is a year round resident.

Photo: February 15, 2022

Pine Siskin

I learned of this species when I read about an “irruption” which is a large number of the birds arriving into an area during migration. This typically happens when food sources in their primary range are depleted. Knowing that they might come as far south as we live, I had been watching for them and I finally spotted about a half dozen of them at the feeder on my patio!

Photo: October, 24, 2020 at the thistle seed feeder.

Purple Finch

I’ve only see this species three times – twice in 2021 during the Polar Vortex and again in February 2022 during snowy and cold weather. They are quite lovely little birds, and I feel like it’s a special moment when one comes for a visit.

Photo: Purple Finch February 13, 2022

Hoary Redpoll * rare

The Common Redpole was experiencing an irruption (when their food supply up north isn’t sufficient and they migrate farther south than normal) in the winter of 21/22. Even though it looked more like a Hoary to me, I assumed this bird was a Common Redpoll, because the Hoary’s range is much farther north. However, in June 2022 the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee confirmed this is a Hoary Redpole, placing it one of the most southern sightings in Illinois.

Photo: 1/6/2022



Northern Cardinal

Who isn’t familiar with the image of a Cardinal? This is the Illinois State bird. The males sport a brilliant red color. They have a distinctive song that alerts me to their arrival. I love that they often travel in pairs – the female donning a muted shade of orange – but still with the lovely head plumage that distinguishes them even beyond their color.

Photo: February 7, 2022

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

I captured the image of this male Rose-breasted Grosbeak when I was filming insects that were taking advantage of the nectar that the native Milkweed blossoms were offering in exchange for pollination services. Apparently, there was yet another link in the food chair. The feast seen by this handsome bird as a free buffet.

Photo: 6/17/23

Blue Grosbeak

The summer of 2022 was my year to finally take a few decent shots of this very striking bird. We must have just what these birds want for their summer location, as I hear them just about everywhere around the farm.

Photo: Male Blue Grosbeak perched atop a tree. August 18, 2022.

Indigo Bunting

It’s a fast flash of brilliant blue, then they are gone. That’s how I describe the Indigo Bunting. On occasion I have been fortunate to capture a few shots before they have flown off.

Photo: July 2021 in a tall stand of weeds that grow outside our backyard fence.


Little bird with the weird name, once I learned to identify them, I noticed they were all around. The males love to fly to the very top branch of a tree and sing. At times, I feel like they are following me as I drive around the farm, stopping when I stop, to take a perch and belt out their tune. The bird pictured is a female and isn’t as brilliantly colored as a male. She and her mate were seemingly doing some remodeling of their nest when I encountered them. It was obvious to me that they were taking the job very seriously.

Photo: 7/18/22.

Summer Tanager

Since I began using the Merlin app to help identify unfamiliar bird songs, I sometimes get a surprise, especially when there are several birds calling at the same time. I had a few Summer Tanager “hits” when using the BirdNet app last in 2021, but that app doesn’t record the results as well as Merlin, so I had no verifiable records of it.

Photo: August 8, 2022.


Eastern Kingbird

After Bluebirds and Hummers, I think that the Kingbird may be my next favorite. First, you have to love the name. It’s such a regal designation, it’s hard not to make some noble assumptions about this bird. He looks like he’s dressed up in a tuxedo, with a black back and white belly, and the tip of his tail feathers appear to be spats on a pair of formal dress shoes. I have seen these birds hunting from a tree in my front yard, the fence top in my backyard, on a tiny branch by the pond, a fence post near the road and from the lower branch of a tree in the pasture.

Photo: 6-22-22

Eastern Phoebe

This somewhat drab, brown bird seems fairly comfortable around human activity. Last year we had one build a nest in the eaves over a back door. I see them in all corners of our property, perched on fences or small branches waiting to nab an insect. Usually, they fly downwards to catch something close to the ground. But, I have seen them fly upwards to snatch a bug on the wing.

Photo: 7/12/23

Great Crested Flycatcher

In June 2023, I was gifted a photo opportunity that I never thought I’d experience. I was following the flight of a Red-headed Woodpecker when I spotted a flash of yellow about 60 feet upwards. For the next several minutes I snapped images of this amazing Great Crested Flycatcher as it landed at the top of a large, dead branch of a mature tree. The fact that it almost always had a grub or insect in its moth make me think that its chicks were not far away and it was using the location as a landing pad before entering the nesting cavity.

Photo: 6/20/23

Eastern Wood-Pewee

I heard this bird well before I saw it. But, when I did, it was as if saying, “take my photo!” They have a sweet song that gives them their name. This bird has a favorite tree in the yard of our old house from which it hunts. I see it there nearly every day during the summer.

Photo: September 24, 2022.

Least Flycatcher

There is a group of flycatchers in the genus Empidonax that are defined, in part, by a white ring around their eyes. In that genus, there are a few species that could show up at our location, and they can be a challenge to differentiate. For that reason, I typically look to the experts to provide a best guess, and the consensus for the bird in the photo was was Least Flycatcher.

Photo: August 22, 2022.

Willow Flycatcher

This is a lovely species that has spent the breeding season here every I have been observing the birds (2020-2023). I have been able to record its call, which is said to be the best way to identify it from other, similar looking flycatchers.

Audio: June 25, 2021 & Photo J8/10/23

Willow Flycatcher 6/25/21

Alder Flycatcher

Our property must be a good place for Flycatchers to make a living, or stop during a migration because I’ve observed several species. In July and August 2022, I had the pleasure of watching a Willow Flycatcher several times, and then I saw another similar-but-not-the-same appearing bird hunting off a fence. Merlin app identified the bird as an Alder Flycatcher.

Photo: Aug 2, 2022.

Cedar Waxwing

I have been hoping to get a good shot of this remarkable bird for three years. Finally, I spotted one at the very top of a young oak tree in mid-August.

Photo: August 17, 2022


White-breasted Nuthatch

With as many woodpecker species we have around here, I knew that one day I would spot a Nuthatch. It was late in the day on a mature tree at our old house. That spot is close to more mature trees that run along a creek across the street. I’m happy to have finally spotted this species! Hopefully one day I’ll get a clearer image.

Photo: April 3, 2021


Red-headed woodpecker

Aptly named, this woodpecker makes a living in the mature trees that we have along our property lines. I have been able to record the nest cavity excavation of one pair and posted images and video on the blog.

Photo: July 26, 2022.

Hairy Woodpecker

There’s a curious story about the photo, here. In 2020 and 2021 I had been fortunate to film this species a couple of times, but the images were not stellar. Hairy Woodpeckers are very similarly marked to Downy Woodpeckers, but the Hairy has a longer beak and is also less commonly observed (mainly because it’s a shier bird.) Whilst looking back in my records for a photo of a wholly other species, I saw this wonderful photo of a Hairy woodpecker that I had no memory of taking. It turns out that’s because I had documented it as “Downy.” I think it was only with the added time filming birds (and the Downy quite often) that I was able to quickly realize my error.

Photo: April 11, 2021.

Northern Flicker

An interesting fact about the Northern Flicker is that it hunts insects on the ground. You might expect to see a woodpecker type bird in the trees, and of course you can see this species there.

Photo: 6/19/23

Downy Woodpecker

This very cute little woodpecker is quite friendly (has a small “personal space.”) They visit the feeders out in the pond meadow area as well as up by the house. Suet seems to be a favorite for the Downy.

Photo: February 6, 2022

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Curiously, my original text that I posted here about this species mentioned that it was quite aloof and hadn’t come down to the feeders. I guess a winter of cold weather changed that because I’ve been able to film this species quite often at and near the feeding stations – even the ones up by the house. Peanuts and suet are this bird’s jam! I’ve also observed them eating the fresh oranges I put out to attract the Oriole species!

If you look carefully, you can see a bit of red on its belly between it’s legs.

Photo: 2/26/21


Ruby-throated Hummingbird

The only hummer that resides in our part of the country is the Ruby-throated. They are amazing little birds that have no fear of humans, and are happy to buzz around us as we sit on the porch where we hang nectar feeders.

Photo: 8/31/23 Female feeding from my rose bush.


House Wren

I have a love-hate relationship with this species. As a photographer, I appreciate their tolerance for my presence as I can get quite close to their nest box to film. However, they have a nasty habit of “saving” nest boxes by filling them with large twigs, even though they never intent to use the location. I have also been privy to the displacement of Bluebirds from boxes (via killing of newly hatched chicks.) It’s unnerving, even if both species are native and there is bound to be natural competition. But, when I get to observe how hard these little birds work to raise their broods (just like any other species) I can cut them a little slack.

Photo: 8-21-22.

Carolina Wren

Throughout the spring and summer of my first year traveling around the property, I heard this bird many times. But, I was never able to catch a glimpse of it until the very end of October 2020. Since then I’ve captured images of this cutie more and more. This photo was taken fairly close to the house where we offered suet during the very cold winter, which this bird seems to relish.

Photo: January 6, 2022



Bell’s Vireo

After hearing this bird quite often, I finally observed it in late May, 2021. There was a pair that were clearly flirting, and I was actually privy to a mating. I consider that a very rare circumstance. This bird spends most of its time in the underbrush. When it does show itself, it’s only for a moment. I feel fortunate to have finally see this handsome bird – that, if you ask me, looks like it is wearing a “dolphin smile.”

Photo: 5/21/21

Warbling Vireo

I was tucked away in a little clearing near the north end of the pond, where I had seen (but only marginally filmed) a Warbling Vireo about a week earlier. I heard the song, again. Then, the bird popped out from dense cover. I won’t argue that it’s not the best photo, but it’s better than the one I captured the first (and only other) time I saw this lovely bird. Fortunately, I was recording audios of another bird, and when I reviewed them, the eBird app said this is likely a Warbling Vireo.

Photo: May 19, 2021 Audio below.

White-eyed Vireo

Here’s another little bird that is very difficult to spot although, it’s song is sufficiently loud to know the bird is in the underbrush. Perhaps, I will be lucky one day, like I have been with Bell’s and the Warbling Vireo to catch it on film!

Audio: May 22, 2021 Audio below.


Red-winged Blackbird

This is not a scarce bird. We have a large pond and they love to nest all around it. The image and sound of Red-winged Blackbirds clinging to cat tails around the pond is a common sight.

Photo: 6/11/22

Eastern Meadowlark

These birds are very plentiful around our place. They sing constantly and can be found nabbing insects off the ground from our mowed yard to the taller grasses in the meadows. They often take a position atop the large, round hay bales when the “hay guy” leaves them in the field.

Photo: 7/22/22

Western Meadowlark

Eastern Meadowlarks are quite common around our place. However, I had never seen a Western Meadowlark. They are two species that look quite similar and the reference guides tend to suggest the best way to determine the species is through the song. On February 12, 2023 Merlin identified a Western Meadow Lark song a few times, as well as the common Eastern species. The Western species is shown to spend the non-breeding time in my zone, although I suspect its quite rare.

Merlin Audio Recording: 2/12/23

Baltimore Oriole

I heard this species for a season before I saw one. When I put out a grape jelly feeder and slices of fresh oranges, my ability to spot them increased significantly. This handsome dude and his mate have become very frequent diners at the tree in which I have hung fresh citrus.

Photo & Audio: May 4, 2022

Brown-headed Cowbird

This species is native to our area, but it gets a bad wrap for a strange method of reproduction. Rather than using all those resources to build a nest, incubate eggs and then feed all those hungry mouths, the female of this species lays her eggs in the nests of unsuspecting birds. The “foster” parents then raise the cowbird chick, which apparently can out-compete the rightly kin of the fosters. If one examines all the various ways that animals and plants make a living on Earth, I cannot impose morality into the processes of Mother Nature. I think these birds are beautiful.

Photo: February 7, 2022

Orchard Oriole

This is a strikingly handsome bird. You’d never know that the female was the same species. She’s a lovely yellow color. I saw this bird (and a female) on one of my first jaunts around the farm after recovery from my dual shoulder surgeries. I was finally pain free and could endure a ride in the golf cart. I could consider seeing this bird as my christening to birding.

Photo: June 6, 2020.

Common Grackle

I caught this bird in the perfect light to illustrate that this is not just another blackbird. Although I read many posts in social media from folks who have a great disdain for this species, I absolutely love them.

Photo: March 3, 2021

In May, 2023 we had the pleasure of “hosting” a large flock of Bobolinks. For several days I spotted them all around our property. They would fly up from the ground as I drove the golf cart across a field and fill the trees with their songs. Then, as quickly as they showed up they were gone.

Photo: 5/8/23

There was a large flock of birds chattering in a stand of mature Osage Orange trees as I moved into the area. I heard Red-winged Blackbirds and another vocalization I did not recognize. When I used the Merlin App, it reported the song belonged to the Rusty Blackbird. I recorded the calls but wasn’t able to focus in on a bird in the shadows of the trees. I captured the calls on 3/29/23 and 4/2/23. Audio recording below. The video below that, I believe, is the large flock of the Rusty Blackbirds.

AllAboutBirds states, “Rusty Blackbird is one of North America’s most rapidly declining species.” I’m happy to have experienced their visit.

Photo: March 29, 2023


White-crowned Sparrow

These cute little birds breed in northern Canada. They arrive in our Fall fairly early, and I’ve recorded them sticking around until the end of May before heading north in Spring!

Photo: February 4, 2022.

Song Sparrows

These year-round residents can be found all around our property – close to the house, and out in the field. While they don’t visit the feeders, they will pick up seeds on the ground under them. The photo is of a Song Sparrow taking food to a nest built in a grassy mound on the ground.

Photo: I took this photo in April 21, 2021.

Chipping Sparrow

This species spends the breeding season in our area, then migrates to warmer weather in the winter. I often spot them on the ground, hunting up their meals. They also make their nests in our rose bushes.

Photo: May 2022.

Dark-eyed Junco

These stately little birds spend the breeding season up in Canada, but winter in my area. They are not always easy to spot, as they forage on the ground. This photo was taken during a very cold winter day, up close to the house where we provided thawed water to drink and lots of seeds for the birds.

Photo: February 7, 2022

Eastern Towhee

I had recorded the call of this bird for a couple of years and wondered if I would ever actually see it. While it’s not a decent photo, it is an image of an Eastern Towhee. Hopefully, I’ll get a better shot in the future.

Photo: 7/22/23.

Field Sparrow

This is a diminutive bird that isn’t always easy to spot. They are year round residents, here. In summer I often hear them singing. Their song is very distinctive, and some refer to it as the sound of a bouncing ping pong ball.

Photo: 12/18/22

White-throated Sparrow

Range maps show that this species winters in our area then travels north into Canada to breed. I enjoy seeing them about the same time as the White-crowned sparrows arrive in the Fall.

Photo: April 6, 2021.

American Tree Sparrow

Such a cute little Sparrow. I have a hard time spotting this little bird, although my Bird ID app often hears them mostly around our pond area. However, deep freeze events will draw them up to a feeder by the house which is when I filmed the bird in this photo.

Photo: 2/6/22

Fox Sparrow

It took the Deep Freeze of February 2021 and February 2022 for the Fox Sparrows to venture up to the house where we were offering plenty of food and water.

Photo: February 6, 2022

Audio: November 23 & again 24, 2020.

Savannah Sparrow

The Guides shows that this cute little sparrow with the yellow marks above its eyes winters south of my location, and breed north of here. We are only in the path of its migration. I feel fortunate to have spotted it at the far south end of pond. I was surprised how still it remained while I tried to film it through the branches of the shrub in which it was perched.

Photo: March 3, 2021

Swamp Sparrow

To find a Swamp Sparrow, look at wetlands. That’s what one guide proclaims. I hear this cutie all winter long, mostly around our pond. I took this photo in early April, probably just before it took off to its northern breeding grounds.

Photo: 4/3/23

Vesper Sparrow

This Vesper Sparrow was picking around in the culvert in early Spring. It’s camouflage was so successful, that to locate it in the view finder in order to focus upon it, I had to wait for it to move so I could catch it and snap before it hopped off. There were two of these beauties foraging together.

Photo: March 30, 2023

Lincoln Sparrow

What a surprise it was to film a little brown bird under the apple tree at the end of the corridor, and learn it was a Lincoln sparrow. This species only migrates through the area. I was situated near the apple tree because we hung orange slices there for the Orioles and the next morning they were cleaned out – no pulp remaining. I hoped to see the bird(s) that feasted on he fruit. Instead, I saw this Lincoln Sparrow hop onto a low branch. Lucky me.

Photo: May 10, 2021

Lark Sparrow

There are a few places around our fail that I fail to settle in for any amount of time. I’m not sure why, but I suppose it’s because there are other places where I’ve learned are hotbeds for bird activity or because during the breeding season, I tend to rest near the bird houses to check the status of the Bluebird, Tree Swallows or House Wrens. But, when I heard a song with which I was unfamiliar as I passed through one of the less observed areas, I turned on a recorder. I was thrilled to capture the lovely song of a lark Sparrow. Since I captured the vocalization in mid-June, I suspect it may have been a breeding pair. Still, I didn’t hear it again, so that may not have been the case.

Audio: 6/14/23

Harris’s Sparrow

During the fall migration I filmed this bird only to find out it was a bit out of its typical path of travel. I feel fortunate to have had it come for a visit on its way south.

Photo: 10/27/2021.

American Pipit

I wasn’t ever expecting to see this species stop by during it migration. This species breeds in the far north tundra. It landed in a tree near our pond when I happened to be sitting in the area and was quick to turn my lens towards it before it flew off.

Photo: 5-4-23

House Sparrow

This is an invasive species that has adjusted to living near human establishments across the country. Their most notable negative impact on other species has to do with the fact that they are nest-hole dwellers, and compete with species like the Eastern Bluebird and Tree Swallows for nest sites. This has had a negative impact on the populations of those species.

Photo: 4/6/21.


Yellow Billed Cuckoo

I didn’t even know there was such a bird in our location. And it seemed somehow very exciting to learn about it, I suppose because of its curious name. After snapping a photo of what I thought was an Eastern Kingbird (from about 200 feet away), I later realized I had taken a picture of a Yellow Billed Cuckoo.

Photo: July 2020.


Golden-crowned Kinglet

This bird spends its non-breeding season in my area. It has a fairly high pitched song, which can be hard to hear through other background noise. But, when the Merlin app repeated the “hit” and I listened to it’s song, I am confident that there was a Golden-crowned kinglet in the area as I sat filming the White-crowned sparrows that had returned for the season, as well.

Audio: 11-2-2022.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

When I first began filming the birds on our property, I often had no clue what sort of bird it might be. Fortunately, some folks helped me along the way, but sometimes, I never went back into the files to update the bird’s identification. Instead, I just designated it as UNK for unknown. I recently began going back to those files and discovered that I had filmed this Ruby-crowned Kinglet back in 2020. You can even see a bit of ruby upon its head.

Audio: 10-5-2020.


Common Yellowthroat

This was the first Warbler species I identified on our property. It took me several days to hone in on, first the sound as they chirped their way around the underbrush, and next the speed with which they flitted about. I believe this species pressed me up one notch in the amateur photography scale. That’s not because the images I took of this species were spectacular, but because I learned a new level of patience and skills to even find the bird to film!

Photo: 6/16/21.

Tennessee Warbler

Catching this bird was a freebie. I set up a trail cam by an apple tree in an attempt to catch the night critter that was stealing fruit. Instead, I was able to isolate a few frames of this pretty bird that only spends a few days here during migration.

Photo: September 2020.

Nashville Warbler

This bird was moving through during the fall migration. It required a quick response to capture the image (especially with my amateur skills.) I was very lucky that I could at least identify the species, even though the image isn’t terribly clear. So pretty!

Photo: October 2020.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

You can’t be more specific with a name! However, that yellow rump doesn’t always present in photos – depending upon the angle. I’m glad I got this view so that it was easy to identify. This is another bird that migrates through.

Photo: March 3, 2022.

Orange Crowned Warbler

I had to have an expert help me identify this bird. It’s not terribly distinct, and clearly doesn’t always don an orange crown. I found it confusing with some of the other warblers – but no less lovely.

Photo: October 2020.

Palm Warbler

It’s always exciting to encounter a new species. But, after I was helped with the identification of the first Palm Warbler I filmed during the fall migration, I began spotting them all over the property. I even created a blog post with photos.

Photo: October 2020.

Blackpoll Warbler

I only got a rump shot of this bird before it flew off. I didn’t think I’d be able to identify it without help so I posted it to a “what’s this bird?” page at Facebook. The experts knew instantly (based on how quickly they replied) that it was a Blackpoll Warbler. I looked it up and realized I would have never figured it out. This bird is in the drab winter colors and the photos in most guides are of a breeding male – that has a black cap and almost striped looking body. This species breeds way up in Canada (and a little of the most northern States) and migrates all the way to S. America. I was lucky to catch it.

Photo: 9/14/23

Magnolia Warbler

This cutie was flitting around the old apple tree where the corridor (which separates a stand of mature trees from an overgrown acres) intersects with the old alley we established for sheep management for herding trials back in the day. It’s a good place to sit during the fall migration (which is when I spotted the one shown here) as it seems to attract lots of different birds. The Magnolia warbler breeds mostly in Canada and winters in southern Mexico and Caribbean islands.

Photo: 9/19/23

Northern Waterthrush

When I recorded the Northern Waterthrush during the fall migration, I had just moved into the long corridor between two stands of well over-grown land. I heard a couple of sounds I was not familiar with so I started the Merlin app. I was excited to see the Hairy Woodpecker show up – they are year round residents. Another bird just passing through turned out to be a Hermit Thrush (which I filmed in a previous migration.) I wish I had been able to see this Northern Water Thrush.

Recording: September 20, 2022.

Yellow Warbler

I was at the north end of the pond, where there are a lot of mature trees with shrubs at their base. I saw and filmed a little yellow bird, but when I looked at the file it was just a yellow blob. My camera had focused on a branch just behind the bird. Dang. A few days later, I was in the same location. There were many bird songs all layered on top of each other and I decided to simply record and extrapolate later. One of the birds that eBird app IDs was the Yellow Warbler.

Audio: May 10, 2021.

Yellow-breasted Chat

Based on the sort of environment this species prefers, I knew that one day I would see or hear one at our property. That prophecy came true at the end of June 2021. I was at our pond and began to hear an unfamiliar bird song. My eBird app wasn’t launching well, so I had to wait until I returned to my office to sleuth out the individual that was singing. That happened sooner than usual, because a “red cell” storm front was arriving, so I hurried home. It didn’t take long to feel confident that this vocalization belongs to a Yellow-breasted Chat. Now that I know where it was singing, I hope that I can catch a photo of it, soon.

Audio: June 28, 2021


Northern Shoveler

Who knew this was even a species? Not me. When I first saw it floating along with three smaller ducks, I couldn’t wait to look up its name. Shoveler makes sense, as it uses that massive beak to feed on the bottom in shallow ponds.

Photo: October 2020.

Blue-winged Teal

We have had a pair of Blue-winged Teal (and occasionally a few of their friends) on the pond much of the Spring. I’m hoping they have a nest and will raise their chicks here.

Photo: April 16, 2021.

Green-winged Teal

This duck was hanging out, alone, for a day on our pond.

Photo: October 2020.

Pied-billed Grebe

The first time I saw this not-a-duck, an individual stopped by for a couple of days, all alone at the very end of October 2020. When researching this new species, I learned that in Latin “grebe” means “feet at the buttocks.” This anatomical design serves birds that dive for their dinner. This Grebe might hunt fish or amphibians under water. Since then, I’ve seen the species during migration a few times, including this cute pair.

Photo: April 12, 2022.

Ring-neck Duck

The Spring migration brought this pair of Ring-neck ducks to our pond. I had never seen this species before, and it became #84 on my list of Birds in Our Backyard!

Photo: March 21, 2021

Wood Duck

This handsome male Wood Duck was in the pond without a mate. I hoped it meant that his gal was nesting nearby. I have seen both a male and female Wood duck on the pond as well as very close to the large, partially rotten oak tree that sits on the west side of the pond. I suspect that they use a cavity in that old tree to rear their chicks.

Photo: March 31, 2021

Mallard Duck

I often hear ducks fly by or landing in our pond. But, I’m not always nearby to film them. Merlin App captured the vocalizations of a Malard when I was recording a few hundred feet from the pond, but I didn’t catch a glimpse of teh bird.

Audio Recording via Merlin app: January 10, 2023

Hooded Merganser

Back in May, 2021, a small group of females became then 100th species I recorded on our 50 acre parcel of land in Fayette Co, IL. I was fortunate to catch the more striking male (along with a couple of hens) visiting our pond a year later.

Photo: April 13, 2022

Canada Goose

These majestic birds stop by our pond quiet often. But, it’s usually just after sun down. There’s a pair that seems to pond-hop between my neighbors’ ponds and ours. They are quite flighty when they sense my approach.

Photo: April 25,2021

Snow Goose

I have decided to include species that fly by or fly over, even if they don’t land on our property. I observed these flocks of snow geese flying over on several occasions, but I simply can’t capture the flocks as they travel with my skills or cameras. I also don’t have the skills to identify which species of goose I am hearing. But, Merlin app has that capacity.

Audio via Merlin: Jan 3, 23 and Jan 14, 23

Greater White-fronted Goose

Merlin app identified the species of geese that I recorded as they flew overhead. Along with the Greater White-fronted, Merlin captured the sounds of Cackling geese, which is a species that sometimes flies with other species during migration.

Audio via Merlin: 2/5/2023

Cackling Goose

This species tends to fly with other species, and Merlin app captured it along with Canada Geese as well as Greater white-fronted flocks that were flying over when I was out birding on our farm.

Audio via Merlin: 1/3/23 and 2/5/2023


Black-capped Chickadee

Our property sits almost exactly on the line delineating the ranges for the Black-capped Chickadee and the Carolina Chickadee. I am not certain this is a Black-capped Chickadee in this photo. If it isn’t a Black-capped, then it’s a Carolina.

Photo: 4/8/23

Carolina Chickadee

I began using the Merlin app to help identify bird songs. At that time, I discovered that Merlin recognized the vocalizations of both the Carolina and the Black-capped species within a month of each other on our property. In the Merlin screen shots here, the Black-capped was recorded on 8-8-22 and the Carolina was recorded a month later on 9-8-22.

Photo: Screen captures Aug and Sept 2022.

Tufted Titmouse

A frequent visitor to the feeding platform we have out in the pond meadow, this species has a call that I have learned. They are not “sit still while Tammie focuses the camera” sort of birds. Rather, they fly in, snatch a seed, then take off again. So, while they are quite common, they are not easy to film. They are known to store food in a cache that they use throughout the winter.

Photo: 12-2-2020.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

This bird’s vocalization caught my attention because I didn’t recall ever hearing it before. I was sitting near the pond on an overcast day about an hour before sunset when I hear the nasal rasp rising above the sound of the chorus of frogs. The eBird app ID’s this vocalization as the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. And, comparing it to what I’ve listened to on reference sites, I am fairly certain of that identification.

Audio: May 19, 2021


Northern Bobwhite

It is far easier to hear the presence of this bird than to see it. They sing their very characteristic song from underbrush and hedgerows, but rarely make a trip into the open. However, I’ve been fortunate to snap a couple of shots now and again.

Photo: 7/12/23

Wild Turkey

I’ve seen wild turkeys all around our “neighborhood” which is about a 4 square mile area of neighboring farms and crop land. But, I hadn’t seen one on our property until July 11, 2022. And, then I didn’t get a clear shot at the bird. It was in my neighbor’s crop field (soybeans) and crossed through the hedgerow where I lost it in the mature trees. I made the wrong guess as to where it would come out and wasn’t ready to aim my camera where it entered our pasture, then ran along the fence and eventually did a short flight-hop over the fence into the other neighbor’s corn field.


Blue Jay

The Blue Jay has a reputation for being a bully in the bird world. I happen to really like this species. I haven’t noticed that they are any more pushy at the feeder, where they covet the peanuts we offered in winter.

Photo: December 18, 2022

European Starling

This is an invasive species that was released from a zoo in the late 1800’s. It thrives, and does well in urban settings as well as rural areas. During the February 2021 Deep Freeze, many Starlings showed up to take advantage of the food and fresh water we offered to the wild birds.

Photo: February 5, 2022

American Crow

I hear crows more than I see them. During winter they can’t hide in the trees as easily. They often assemble in large groups and are quite vocal. As a kid, we cared for an injured crow and it ended up becoming a bit of a pet and a pest as it demanded breakfast very early in the morning by tapping a small metal dish on the kitchen window! I adore crows.

Photo: August12, 2022

Fish Crow

While moving through a large, open field (Jaye’s Pasture) I heard and then saw a crow flying overhead. My visual identification told me “oh, it’s an American Crow” but immediately there after I thought, “what’s wrong with his voice?” It sounded hoarse. I quickly launched the Merlin app and discovered it was a Fish Crow. I see crows flying over our fields almost daily at certain times of the year, sometimes from indoors when I’m not able to hear them. I can’t say this single bird is the first Fish Crow that traversed our property, but it’s the first I learned to recognize by its call.

Photo: March 29, 2023


Mourning Dove

This species may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but they gain my favor because they are so often seen together, even outside the breeding season. They appear to be very devoted to each other and I find that endearing.

Photo: 6-11-22

Rock Pigeon

This species is most often seen in cities, around fountains or perching on window ledges of large buildings. But, they also make a living in rural areas, especially where grain is harvested and stored – as they tend to eat off the ground where the grain may be spilled. I see these birds fly by on occasion, usually in a small flock. They are not common, but there is a grain weigh station about five miles from us, as the crow (or pigeon) flies. And I suspect that is where they spend most of their time.

Audio identified by Merlin App: January 14, 2023


American Kestrel

This is the only falcon that I might observe in our area. And, I’m happy to see him. Back in Wisconsin, there was a Kestrel that hunted around my little farm. They are daring little birds of prey. Typically, I like to present photos where the bird is in the most natural setting (a branch rather than a bird feeder, as an example.) However, this bird routinely uses the power lines from which to hunt, and I consider them part of a Kestrel’s “natural” strategy for survival.

Photo: 1-3-2023


Turkey Vulture

These massive black birds with the unattractive faces, can be seen standing in the middle of the country roads eating the carrion of car impacts. The photo presented here shows four of the nine Turkey Vultures that came to pick at the remains of a White-tailed deer fawn carcass in our meadow. It was the unfortunate victim of the hay cutter. Our Hay Guy simply didn’t see it hiding in the tall grass. Nature can seem cruel, but one deer’s loss is a Turkey Vulture’s win.

Photo: 8-11-22

Red-tailed Hawk

The Red-tailed Hawk is a year round resident in our area. We have both Red-tailed and Red-Shouldered hawks on our property. At least for me the Re-shouldered species tend to tolerate being a bit closer to humans than the Red-tailed hawk. But, I finally got a decent photo of this magnificent bird.

Photo: 8/4/23

Red-shouldered Hawk

This is the most common larger hawk species that I see around our place. I think there are at least two nesting pairs spread across our property, and I know there’s another few pairs within a few miles of our land.

Photo: 9/29/22. This remarkable bird landed atop a very tall, exempt post (about 16 foot high), just briefly enough for me to take a couple shots before it flew off again.

Northern Harrier

From my desk in my office, I watched a Red-tailed hawk land in the Ponderosa Pines about 450 feet from where I sat. At that distance, I didn’t know what species it was. Although it was overcast late in the day, I decided to try to film it through the window for a definitive ID. Within a minute or so, another smaller hawk arrived and mobbed the larger, stationary bird a number of times before flying off. I was lucky to catch the antagonist bird in the frame several times. It was a Northern Harrier, and the first time I had ever seen one here. This photo is of that single bird, but offering front and back for ID purposes. The white band above the tail feathers and black tipped wings helps confirm the identification.

Photo: December 19, 2022.

Cooper’s Hawk

I have seen this small hawk around the property many times, but I have never had the chance to get a decent photo. That is not to say that the adjacent photo is even decent. I’m going on the flat head and rounded tail feathers to distinguish this from the similar Sharp-shinned hawk.

Photo: February 26, 2021.

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

I observed this bird perched in in small tree not far from a platform feeder in the north pond meadow. With help from a seasoned birder, it was identified as a Sharp-shinned Hawk with the following description:

“Good shot of the tail feathers which are all the same length, as well as the tiny landing gear, bill plopped lower on the head with a sharp transition from forehead to bill, and warm, varied facial colors.

Juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk”

Photo: December 9, 2022.

Bald Eagle

I usually don’t even try to film hawks that are flying overhead. My camera skills don’t match the task. But, I thought I’d give it a try even though it was overcast and the bird was flying quickly. I’m aware of a Bald Eagle nest about 3 miles from our place. We have seen them in nearby barren fields, especially in winter. But, I truly never thought I’d capture an image (albeit pretty grainy) of one flying over our property. Since then, I have observed Bald eagles flying very close to the ground near and over our pond two other times. They are so much bigger than the other hawks that it’s hard to be confused.

Photo: November 23, 2020.


5/3/2021: I was tucked away in a small wooded area near the pond hoping to film migrating warblers. I sighted a large bird flying overhead. It had a white underbelly and was flapping its wings frequently (not like a hawk that is more prone to soar.) All of a sudden, it pulled its wings into its body, focused directly downwards and dropped into the water. The impact with the water was obscured from my sight due to the trees, but I heard a very large splash. I moved to the water’s edge to hopefully catch a glimpse, when over the tree tops, flapping powerfully and carrying a large fish in its talons, it flew!

In July and August 2022, I also observed an Osprey three times but wasn’t able to film it. Each time it also vocalized. I eventually caught an audio record of it using Merlin.


Belted Kingfisher

This is a species I never thought I’d see on our property. We have a farm pond. There’s no running stream, and we don’t live close to a river. But, I’m not complaining. I heard this bird, then saw it. It has a raspy call and an interesting flight pattern. It landed in a tree near the pond, and eventually flew down and grabbed a snack. Since then I have spotted them many times hunting our pond. This is a male. The females have additional rust colored markings on the chest.

Photo: April 19, 2022.


Great Horned Owl

I have heard owls calling often – mostly in the woods that line the (typically) dry creek bed at the southern most part of our farm. To me, it sounded like the “who cooks for you,” call of a Barred Owl. But, I have been unable to catch a recording to confirm. And, I”m not an expert, so I don’t want to assume.

In mid-August, near the old barn, we hung a jelly feeder to attract the fruit eaters like Orioles, Gray Catbirds and even the Grosbeaks. We put up a trail cam to discover what birds might take advantage of the treat. The first night we captured the call of a Great Horned Owl, which I identified by running the trail cam video alongside the Merlin App and confirming using audio files at reference sites.

Recording: 8-18-22



This species is quite common in flat agriculture areas like our. We often see them standing in the middle of a country road at night. The car’s headlights catch them taking off far later than seem optimal for total safety. But, they also spend time on the edges of our pond and in our fields.

Photo: 5/24/2021

Solitary Sandpiper

Back in 2020 I got an unclear images of this same species from across the pond. I needed help identifying it, then. But, this time I knew not just based on the distinctive white eye ring, but the solitary nature of this visitor.

Photo: April 26, 2022.

Wilson’s Snipe

Here’s a bird I never thought I would see on our property. This is a very interesting shorebird. It shoves its long beak into the wet soil at the water’s edge looking for a meal. I was very excited to capture these three Wilson’s Snipes at our farm pond.

Photo: November 2, 2020.


The Sora is a Rail (Family Ralidae.) Based on what I’ve read, it is a very elusive bird that prefers to remain under the cover of the marsh grasses. I spotted this one (and a second bird) in the small inlet of our pond where there’s a stand of cattails. The zone map shows that these birds are on their migration, so I feel fortunate to have encountered them – and snapped a few photos!

Photo: April 18, 2021.

American Coot

Although it looks like a duck, the Coot is a Rail (Family Ralidae.) I observed my first Coot on our pond on 4/28/21 during rainy weather, and when I didn’t have a camera with me. I hoped it might be there the next day, and although it was still very overcast, I saw the solitary bird foraging for large beaks-ful of aquatic vegetation.

Photo: April 29, 2021. This bird becomes my 90th species I have observed in our “backyard.”

Pectoral Sandpiper

Just passing through. Six of these love birds stopped by during the Spring migration.

Photo: May 4, 2023.


Great Blue Heron

This bird is a frequent visitor during the summer months where he hunts in the shallows of our pond. I have also spotted two birds her at the same time.

Photo: 8/4/23.

Great Egret

I’ve only seen this species a few times at our farm. usually, it’s a single individual. In early August 2023, I observed it with another, smaller Egret that some birders told me was also a Great Egret. There’s such a disparity in their size, I wondered if it was two different species. When I looked up images of Great Egret pairs, most of them showed two birds that were more similar in size that the two I filmed. So, when I updated this page I sent out another query to ABA experts who weighed in and believe the smaller bird is a Cattle Egret in non-breeding plumage.

Photo: 8/4/23.

Cattle Egret

In early August, this bird was feeding alongside a Great Egret at our pond. It was much smaller than the Great Egret. Expert birders at the FaceBook “What’s This Bird” ABA group informed me that it is a Cattle Egret in non-breeding plumage.

Photo: 8/1/23.

Green Heron

If I hadn’t seen this bird take flight as I approached the north end of our pond, I would have never seen where it stood fishing at the south end of the pond. It fit into its surroundings perfectly. I snapped quite a few photos from quite a distance and was happy that the shadows didn’t totally consume the bird, which is how it looked to me when I was filming.

Photo: 5/27/23

That concludes the list of birds that have visited our “backyard” which I have evidenced via photograph, audio recording or (if I’m absolutely certain) through direct observation. I am amazed how many birds I’ve recorded. As I have done so, I have also accumulated so much knowledge about the birds and more importantly, I have learned about species that I know know could visit our place. I keep my eyes open for them!