Month: October 2021

Bees versus Birds

Yesterday, I posted about the House Finches that stopped by to enjoy the fresh fruit I hung in a tree. I retained a few photos to present in this post, in order to share the talent of one of the finches. When I first… Continue Reading “Bees versus Birds”

An Apple a Day

There’s a apple tree out by the old barn that bears quite a bit of fruit. When they are ripe, I often pluck one off the tree as I am traveling around looking for birds and other wildlife. Last year I noticed that some… Continue Reading “An Apple a Day”

Rare Find!

After months of not seeing or even hearing birds – at least not at the same level as last year this time – today was a stellar day. I will post some photos of the few other species I saw today, but this post… Continue Reading “Rare Find!”

Snow Birds

As the summer avian residents depart for the tropics, it gets very quiet outdoors around here, both in sound (the birds’ songs) and visually. I can move through an area and not scare up a bird. Just as I am starting to feel a… Continue Reading “Snow Birds”

Hen of the Woods

We have a great neighbor, Greg. He maintains an incredible garden and generously shares his overflow of juicy and delicious vegetables throughout the summer. Today, he showed up on his ATV (we neighbors live a half mile or farther away from each other) with… Continue Reading “Hen of the Woods”

Cattails & Blackbirds

Sometimes the backdrop for a photo is as pleasing as the actual subject. I feel that way about these photos of a female Red-winged blackbird that flew into the stand of cattails near the west end of our pond. Cattails are synonymous to swampy… Continue Reading “Cattails & Blackbirds”

Service Dog T.E.A.C.H. Course

In the past I have posted videos of dogs we had in for our Custom Training. Here is one of those videos: Along with our Custom Service Dog Training, we offer a program referred to as T.E.A.C.H. (Train & Educate A Canine Helper.) It’s… Continue Reading “Service Dog T.E.A.C.H. Course”

Old Guy Pelican

I’ve been away from this Blog for a while. I was preparing for and then participating in our 20 year anniversary trip to the panhandle of Florida. While on vacation, I wasn’t able to capture as many images as I had expected – mostly… Continue Reading “Old Guy Pelican”