Category: Books

Bloganuary: What is your favorite quote and why?

I’m not a bragger.  I am actually a fairly humble being – I try to walk lightly and let my action speak louder than my words.  That’s true even though I am an author who puts much of my life’s experiences and lessons into… Continue Reading “Bloganuary: What is your favorite quote and why?”

Dogs as Our Teachers

A few weeks ago I was invited to add a “topic” to a new website which has been designed to help authors reach more readers and readers peruse more books. The topic had to be unique to me. I also had to provide distinctive… Continue Reading “Dogs as Our Teachers”

Can We Hunt Buffalo Together?

Here is another unpublished chapter from the work in progress; “A Dog Trainer’s Guide to Human Happiness.” You may find the previous chapters interesting, as well: The Dog with Eighteen Elbows and To Write (about the US Military Veteran’s wife and training Service Dogs)… Continue Reading “Can We Hunt Buffalo Together?”

To Write

If you have seen my posts over the past few months, it’s clear that I have spent much of my time traveling around the property, practicing my new photography hobby and posting the images of the flora and fauna I filmed on this blog.… Continue Reading “To Write”

SHAMARON Book Trailer

10 Most Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make – And How to Resolve Them!

When I decided to take a year to write my book SHAMARON – Dog Devoted, I realized that it would be impossible to completely unplug from prospective clients in search of a solution to their puppy problems. And so, I wrote this book first.… Continue Reading “10 Most Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make – And How to Resolve Them!”

SHAMARON – Dog Devoted

“I felt like a bowling ball had been plunged into my stomach. There it was; my name and my dog’s name written next to a number one. Everything outside my body became insignificant. The prospect of this adversity occurring had never crossed my mind. How could I be so foolish?”