A Little Splash of Color

I am happy to share images of a few colorful birds that brought a bit of pizzazz to an otherwise fairly brown winter day, here.

This handsome male Northern Cardinal decided to perched a bit more outside of his typical preference of shrubby cover.




Just a few minutes later, his mate arrived, perching on “The Branch” about which I’ve written before, where she showed off her understated, but no less brilliant color.



About 300 feet from the pond, I saw a pair of Cardinals, again. I’m not certain if it was the same pair that I filmed at the pond. These birds were foraging on the ground alongside a mowed path.



I was also fortunate to be visited by a beautiful Blue Jay. At this time of year the Blue Jays are quite active as well as easier to spot in the barren trees. This individual also landed on “The Branch” to model for me!


It was a fairly windy day, and this Blue Jay’s inverted crest shows it!


I was also graced with the presence of a Northern Mockingbird. While not the most brilliantly colored species, its vocalizations during the breeding season definitely make up for the drab color it sports.

This bird also landed on the now infamous “Branch” that sits at the junction of the main pond and a small inlet. I didn’t see or hear very many Mockingbirds during the summer months, so I was quite happy to see this bird.


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